Steve Woods
Technical Team Development, Online Product Development, and Google Technologies
Steve’s successful track record as an online entrepreneur and his thought leadership add clarity and precision to our product and growth plans . Steve’s critiques and feedback about our products and R&D concepts allow us to invest within technical realities and still maintain a peripheral, doe-eyed view of “what could be”. His senior role at Google facilitates communication and the exchange of ideas on potential collaboration between our companies.
Prior to Google, Steven founded NeoEdge Networks to help consumer, gaming, and online entertainment companies deliver highest-quality user online experiences, achieve unprecedented efficiencies, and reap increasing benefits from doing business over the Internet NeoEdge Networks today is the leading in-game advertising company for casual games in the world, providing ad-enablement services and technology and targeted advertising sales to companies interested in delivering free ad-supported games to consumers. His responsibilities at NeoEdge included the evolution of truly innovative products, business models and opportunities for both NeoEdge and its customers. As CEO at NeoEdge (formerly Kinitos) from its inception in 2002 through 2005, Steven assembled a world-class team and drove the creation of the Company’s patent-pending web services platform, positioning NeoEdge as the world’s leading enabler of advertising business models for gaming and entertainment companies. Prior, Steven was a VP of Voice Services for America Online/Time Warner, creating high-quality interactive consumer solutions for millions of users. He joined AOL through the acquisition of Quack.com, a company he co-founded, and which earned acclaim as the world’s first consumer Internet portal accessible entirely by voice. At Quack.com Steven led all aspects of service innovation and technology development as CTO and VP Products. In addition to a background in enabling consumer products, Steven has an extensive experience in all aspects of software development, including previous senior roles at the Software Engineering Institute at Carnegie Mellon University, Australia’s CSIRO and Canada’s Department of National Defence. He has received numerous awards, is author of numerous patents, technical publications/books, and holds Masters and Ph.D degrees in Computer Science from the University of Waterloo in Canada.