Connect Makesbridge to thousands of other Apps with Zapier
Our integration with Zapier lets you connect Makesbridge to 1,000+ other web services. Automated connections called Zaps, set up in minutes with no coding, can automate your day-to-day tasks and build workflows between apps that otherwise would not be possible.
A really cool and unique thing about Makesbridge Triggers for Zapier is you can customize specific conditions for sending contact data to your other apps. This means your automations are precise to your specific situation, and you won't be constrained by generic conditions offered by other marketing automation providers - such as “added to list” or “added as new contact”.
To get started with setting up your Custom Exports and Add Subscriber Zaps, login to Makesbridge, then click the Zapier icon in the grey Connect with Apps tile on the Main Page.
On that Zapier connections page you’ll see your User ID and API Key. After you login to Zapier, you’ll use these to connect Zapier and Makesbridge.
From there you can create your unique custom Export Contact triggers. We’ve also provided a set of popular pre-set Zapier export conditions - Open Email, Click Email, and Web Visit.
Here’s a few popular Zaps that automate tasks between Makesbridge with other apps:
Set a conditions to Export Contact, such as a visit to a high value web page, then add that contact as a new record into your CRM.
Set conditions to Export Contact and add them to a Facebook Custom Audience.
Set a trigger for new sign ups on Google Forms to add that new contact to a Makesbridge list for sales and marketing automation.
Sign up for a free Zapier account, from there you can jump right in. To help you hit the ground running, here are some popular pre-made Zaps.